Renewable energies
Renewable energy supply, specifically wind energy. New technologies are being introduced and investigated in the market. Learn more ...

Primary energy convertors combustion and non-combustion
This covers the main engines but focuses also on dual fuel or full gas applications that have potential for large reduction of emissions. Fuel cell as future concept will be included. Alternative fuel types are also covered. Learn more ...

Secondary convertors
Secondary energy convertors specifically dedicated to recover waste thermal energy for use on-board. The main engine is normally connected to subsystems which are directly linked. The use of improved pump cooling systems or waste heat recovery systems will be explored. Learn more ...

Storage, distribution, electrical convertors
Energy storage, distribution and electrical converters cover the on-board electrical system but also technology solutions for direct energy storage. Next to the main engine and subsystems all other ship board system are being explored. How can energy be stored and which solutions are possible and how will the power management be incorporated are compared. Evaluations will be conducted into the different ways of storing energy, including the use of batteries, chemical systems and mechanical systems (flywheels etc). Learn more ...

After treatment
Emissions mitigation using after treatment technology following IMO MARPOL and ECA requirements. Given these new emission legislation after treatment is unavoidable. There are various types of after treatment systems such as SCR, DeSOx (open / closed loop scrubbers and dry absorbers) which are solutions to obtain reduction in emissions. A technology update on particulate filters will be part of the work scope. Learn more ...

Consumption on board
Energy use optimization concerning on-board (energy) consumers, in particular HVAC systems for large onboard hotel facilities. These systems may count for a significant part of the power consumption on board, in particular on ships with large hotel loads and other large energy needs. Learn more ...

Consumption propulsion
Energy use optimization concerning ship resistance reduction and ship propulsion trains (Consumption propulsion). Main propulsion performance data of a wide range of propulsors is reviewed. Other type of propulsors, such as contra rotating solutions, nozzle solutions, podded solutions and multiple(such as counter rotating ) and ultra large solutions will be benchmarked to show when and how to apply to the application cases. Some propulsors require a change in the appendages and this needs to be accounted for in the appendage resistance. As for the resistance of the ship the effect of trim will be included in the modeling to enable to improve the overall performance. Resistance optimization as such is outside the scope of work. Learn more ...